Adult Programs
Adult Education engages members, friends, and the wider Greenwich community in the lifelong pursuit of knowledge. FPCG's faith and discipleship grow through programs support the deepening of our faith and the intensifying of our commitment to our Christian mission. The curriculum has traditionally pursued three themes or areas of study: The Word, Christian Life, and the Arts. We explore current events, the arts, history, gender issues, parenting, and a broad range of topics that help us to dive deeper in our faith as we engage our hearts and minds in great conversation.
Women's Book Group
The FPCG Women’s Book Discussion Group meets once a month on a Friday morning. We gather in the Church Library (4th floor) at 9:15 am for a chance to get some coffee and chat, and the book discussion takes place from 9:30 to 10:30 am.
The group is a fellowship opportunity for women of the church. Book selections are mostly fiction, but are interspersed with non-fiction selections of topical interest. New members who like to read and discuss books are always welcome.
The book group is led by Colleen Giambo: (203) 622-0269, or
Upcoming dates and books