Wedding fees have been set by the Session to cover the services of staff and costs of equipment and facilities. A comprehensive invoice will be provided by the Business Office one week before the wedding, and payment should be made no later than the rehearsal. Checks for the officiating pastor, minister of music, wedding coordinator, sexton and any musicians should be made out to them personally, on separate checks from any other church fees.
Fees Payable to FPCG
Sanctuary Usage*
Member: None
Non Member: $2,000
Chapel Usage*
Member: None
Non Member: $750
Bulletin Printing (minimum)
Member: $150
Non Member: $200
Fees Payable Directly to Staff
Officiating Pastor
Member: $750
Non Member: $1,500
Minister of Music
Member: $250
Non Member: $250
Wedding Coordinator
Member: $300
Non Member: $500
Member: $500
Non Member: $500
Soloists/Musicians, each
Member: $300
Non Member: $300
Live Stream/Recording
Member: $250
Non Member: $300
Member: $300
Non Member: $300
*A non-refundable deposit of $500 is required of non-FPCG members to reserve their date and space and will be applied against the usage fee. Usage fees are not payable by FPCG members.
**If a guest organist is desired, approval must be given by the Minister of Music, and a bench fee is required equal to the fee listed above.
Reception – Optional
The cost of a reception in Fellowship Hall will be determined by the number of your guests, and the preparation and clean-up time required for our staff to prepare the building for its next use. It typically runs $1,500 and up. Please speak with the Business Manager, Erin Moore, at (203) 869-8686 x123 regarding the financial arrangements for your reception.